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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Upcoming Bollywood actress Meera chopra was accused in a murder of delhi businessman

An FIR was filed against the actress Meera Chopra under Sec 120B Delhi home death.Meera Chopra is known to play in two Telugu films like Bangaram, Vaan and Maaro. The actress is suspected of being linked to death 28 years Bhuttan Ruchi Delhi. Ruchi was found dead at his home in a state of mysterious cause of death has not yet been identified. Ruchi-laws, saying that it's a suicide when his family say it is wrong to play with her husband Sumit Bhuttan and actress Meera Chopra. They argue that Meera Chopra Sumit Bhuttan and had an illicit relationship, and therefore angry Ruchi. The newspaper said Ruchi Sumit used to humiliate her for its beauty and its comparison with Meera Chopra, who is very beautiful.

Ruchi sister Shefali alleged: "Sumit first killed and then hanged her he has an affair with actress Meera Chopra, cousin sister Priyanka Chopra Ruchi had been married six years ago Sumit Sumit and his family used it to torture, even for the ... smallest of things. They also demanded dowry from us. Their main objective was to abuse her so she was frustrated and in return agreed to divorce Sumit. Ruchi spoke to our mother by phone, hours before she was found dead. She had begged her to bring her back to Gurgaon, "said Shefali.

However, the police still have not set a good reason to believe Meera Chopra behind the death of Ruchi. They have the Ruchi daily with them that is not enough to advance the case. They will study Meera Chopra to investigate and determine their role in the death Ruchi if it is a murder or a suicide.


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